
How To Handle Ambari Upload Version Definition File Error

Questions tagged [ambari]

The Apache Ambari project is aimed at making Hadoop management simpler by developing software for provisioning, managing, and monitoring Apache Hadoop clusters. Ambari provides an intuitive, easy-to-use Hadoop direction web UI backed past its RESTful APIs.

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Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:three.2:compile (default-compile) on project ambari-server: Compilation failure

Trying to install Apache-Ambari on linux RHEL8 past running the following command: mvn -B clean install rpm:rpm -DnewVersion= -DbuildNumber=388e072381e71c7755673b7743531c03a4d61be8 -DskipTests -...

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View the spark job logs through ambari while chore is running in the next attempt

Our spark chore has failed in the initial attempts. I am not able to run into the logs for those failed attempts through Ambari UI. when I click the logs link, information technology says that the log assemblage is not ...

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Unable to install the airflow every bit a service using mpack of airflow in hortonworks Sandbox HDP iii.0

We were trying to follow the instructions for installation of airflow-mpack in Hortonworks Sandbox HDP iii.0 with the below link. After accessing the ...

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Apache Ambari retired. What next?

Apache Ambari moved into the Attic in January 2022. So Apache Ambari has retired, and the only reliable alternative that I know is Cloudera Manager, but Cloudera Manager is a paid service and because ...

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How tin can upload large files to the Horton work Sandbox HDP 2.six.5

Is there any solution dor the error "request Entity Likewise large" When attempt to upload file the size more than than 200Mb using Hortonworks Sandbox

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Spark cluster is non dynamically allocating resources to jobs

The cluster is HDInsight 4.0 and has 250 GB RAM and 75 VCores. I am running simply ane job and the cluster is always allocating 66 GB, vii VCores and seven Containers to the job even though we have 250 GB and ...

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How exercise i select a database when uploading a file to Ambari when the options have turned blank?

When uploading a csv file from my local pc to Ambari ,after the file has uploaded , I am non able to select a database to create the table in , the options are blank and I can not even write the ...

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Spark Executors are running on node managing director machine in spite automobile is in decommission state

we accept a spark cluster of 50 nodes, with YARN as the resources manager. cluster is based on HDP version - and , and cluster is based ambari platform on yarn node manager yarn-machine34 , we fix ...

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How can i recommission Data nodes through REST API

nosotros have HDP cluster , version two.6.5 , and Ambari we take in cluster 436 datanode linux machines nosotros are trying to perform decommission and recommission on the datanode decommission , is working fine ...

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ambari amanuensis changed loglevel=Fault in /etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini but notwithstanding the INFO logs are logged

I changed the loglevel=Mistake in /etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-amanuensis.ini just withal I tin run into info logs getting generated. I restarted the ambari-agent. root@ffb-infra-ambari-master-2:/var/log/ambari-...

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HDFS + results from hdfs fsck / are diff from hdfs dfsadmin -report

we have hadoop cluster ( Ambari platform with HDP version - ) and nosotros performed verification step in society to understand if we have under replica blocks the first verification was with: su hdfs ...

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Add Version Definition File URL in Ambari web UI

I'thou trying to create a cluster in Ambari web UI. Create cluster web UI (paradigm) I attain a point where I demand to put Version Definition File URL. Add version (prototype) Where can I find this URL, without ...

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Empty select version Apache Ambari

I installed & built Apache Ambari 2.vii.6 from: Installation Guide for Ambari 2.7.6 .In launch install wizard stride i, Select Version is empty. How tin i pass this stride without using HDP/HDF and use ...

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How to find valid FQDN value for my ambari agent

I am using this project : to run ambari on my local arrangement The docker compose includes one server and 1 agent. Later on running the containers, ...

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Reduce Rows to a map struct in hsql

New to hadoop/ hive and need to reduce a set up of rows down into a map datatype equally follows; From Col1 Col2 Jeff Smith Steve Brown To Col1 Col2 1 {"Jeff":"Smith"}, { "Steve&...

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How To Handle Ambari Upload Version Definition File Error,


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